1- A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds, Russian Academy of Sciences, 28 Vavilova st., Moscow, 1119991, Russia. , khalikov_ss@ineos.ac.ru
2- Siberian Federal Scientific Centre of Agro-BioTechnologies, Krasnoobsk, Novosibirsk region, 630501, Russia.
Abstract: (659 Views)
In our previous studies, we prepared by mechanical treatment and tested several formulations of plant protection products based on Tebuconazole (TBC) with different delivery systems. As a result of those studies, polysaccharides showed high efficiency in increasing the solubility and the effectiveness of products based on these polymers. An important task in developing an effective seed treatment is to increase the efficiency of adhesion and penetration. However, the question arises as to which factor is more important for plant protection or which factor plays the main role in the activity of the protectants: the amount of dressing agent on the surface of the seed or the amount penetrated into the grain? This question remained unanswered in previous experiments and the purpose of this study was to find an answer to this question. For this purpose, protectants of various compositions based on TBС and polysaccharides were prepared and spring wheat seeds were treated with them. At the same time, these seeds were divided into two variants: seeds treated with protectant (TBС on the surface that managed to penetrate inside the seeds) and seeds whose surface was washed by water and, so, seeds were without sorbed Tebuconazole (TBС only inside the seeds). Thus, seeds were prepared that contained only the Adsorbed tebuconazole (SPrA) and seeds containing the drug that Penetrated into the grain (SPrP). These two types of seeds were used in biological tests and the results obtained were compared. An analysis of seed germination and infection with the main pathogens showed that SPrA seeds had an advantage over SPrP seeds both in germination and in protection from diseases. Further research in this direction will help to understand the effect of the penetration of drugs into plants on the possibility of increasing their efficiency and yield of grain crops.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Seed Science and Technology Received: 2023/04/20 | Accepted: 2024/01/2 | Published: 2024/03/31