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XML Modelling Price Formation and Dynamics in the Ethiopian Maize Market
M. Y. Gurmu *, F. Meyer, R. Hassan
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XML Efficiency and Sustainability of Silage Corn Production by Data Envelopment Analysis and Multi-Functional Ecological Footprint: Evidence from Sarayan County, Iran
S. M. J. Esfahani, K. Naderi Mahdei *, H. Saadi, A. Dourandish
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Pathology of Scientific Articles Publishing in the Field of Agriculture as Perceived by Faculty Members and Ph.D. Students (The Case of Colleges of Agriculture at Public Universities, Iran)
F. Majidi, M. Bijani *, E. Abbasi
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XML Comparison of Nonlinear Models to Describe the Growth Curves of Jaffarabaddi, Mediterranean and Murrah Buffaloes
C. H. Mendes Malhado *, M. P. Gonçalves Rezende, A. C. Mendes Malhado, D. M. Machado Ribeiro Azevedo, J. C. de Souza, P. L. Souza Carneiro
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XML Effects of Magnetized Water on In-Vitro Calcium Carbonate Solubility and Eggshell Breaking Strength
E. Darsi, H. Kermanshahi *, H. Nasiry Moghaddam, A. Golian, M. Golizadeh
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XML Usability of the Factor Analysis Scores in Multiple Linear Regression Analyses for the Prediction of Daily Milk Yield in Norduz Goats
I. Daskiran *, S. Keskin, M. Bingol
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XML Effect of Amplitude of Ultrasound-Assisted Solvent Extraction and Extraction Temperature on the Kinetics, Thermodynamics, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Ocimum basilicum L. Extract
S. M. B Hashemi *, Sh. Ghorashi, F. Hadizadeh, Z. Zarei, M. Yazdani, M. Noormohammadi
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XML Mathematical Modeling of Thin Layer Drying of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Arils: Various Drying Methods
Z. Mazandarani, N. Aghajani *, A. Daraei Garmakhany, Mohammadjafar Baniardalan, M. Nouri
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XML Microencapsulation of Fish Oil-Oregano Essential Oil Blends by Spray Drying and its Oxidative Stability
A. Jeyakumari *, A. A. Zynudheen, P. K. Binsi, U. Parvathy, C. N. Raishankar
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Acoustic Detection Possibility of Different Stages of the Confused Flour Beetle (Triboium confusum) in Grain Bulks Using an Audio Sensor
S. F. Mousavi, M. H. Abbaspour-Fard, M. H. Aghkhani *, H. Sadeghi Namaghi, E. Ebrahimi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Bioactive Compounds and Volatile Profile Dynamics During Fruit Growth of Several Plums Cultivars
R. Vlaic, S. Socaci, A. E. Muresan, C. Muresan, O. P. Moldovan, S. Muste *, V. Muresan
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XML Spatial Distribution of Soil Water Content, Soil Salinity and Root Length Density in a Drip Irrigated Nectarine Orchard under Plastic-Mulched and Bare Soils
W. Zribi *, J. M. Faci, E. T. Medima, R. Aragues
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XML Supplementation of High Nitrogen Agaricus Compost: Yield and Mushroom Quality
A. Pardo-Gimenez, J. E. Pardo-Gonzalez, D. Cunha-Zied *
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XML Biochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Biological Activities of the Essential Oil and Fruit Extract of Xanthium strumarium Linn. From Northern Iran
S. Ghahari, H. Alinezhad, Gh. A. Nematzadeh *, M. Tajbakhsh, R. Baharfar
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Morphological and Molecular Identification and PCR Amplification to Determine the Toxigenic Potential of Fusarium graminearum Species Complex (FGSC) Isolated from Wild Grasses in Iran
Kh. Chehri *, S. Hajeb, S. M. Maassoumi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Nutrient Availability and Biological Properties of Paddy Soils Under Rainfed Traditional “Payatak” Farming Systems in Catubig Valley, Philippines
V. U. Ultra Jr. *, G. M. Tan, F. U. Lau, M. R. O. Ponsalan, E. A. Galo
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Future Rationalization of Irrigated Agriculture: Multilevel Analyses for Salyan Steppe, Azerbaijan Republic
M. A. Rzayev *
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