Mendes Malhado C H, Gonçalves Rezende M P, Mendes Malhado A C, Machado Ribeiro Azevedo D M, de Souza J C, Souza Carneiro P L. Comparison of Nonlinear Models to Describe the Growth Curves of Jaffarabaddi, Mediterranean and Murrah Buffaloes. JAST 2017; 19 (7) :1485-1494
1- State University of Southwest of Bahia, Jequie, BA, Brazil.
2- Federal University of Alagoas, Maceió, AL, Brazil.
3- Embrapa Meio-Norte, Teresina, PI, Brazil.
4- Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Paranaíba, MS, Brazil.
Abstract: (5469 Views)
Knowledge of buffalo growth curves is essential for improving reproductive management, nutritional strategies and identifying the best slaughter age. We provided the first joint study comparing growth curves of the three major buffalo breeds. Additionally, we used principal component analysis and Biplot graphics to evaluate the degree of similarity between the groups (breed by sex) and their relationship with mature weight, maturation rate and weight at different ages. The dataset included 8,550 weight records from 1,391 Jaffarabadi, Mediterranean and Murrah buffaloes. The Bertalanffy model had the best fit. The mature weights were 696.64±8.50 and 678.53±9.44 kg (Mediterranean), 716.26±48.54 and 629.28±32.11 kg (Jaffarabadi) and 694.69±17.97 and 556.53±15.49 kg (Murrah) male and female, respectively, by Bertalanffy model. All breeds reaching 75% of mature weight in less than two years. Murrah females were particularly productive, having high precocity and low weight maturity - important biotypes for milk production. Murrah males showed intermediate characteristics, and high potential for meat production in dairy herds. Mediterranean animals showed high weight gain, median precocity and medium to high weight at maturity, supporting its status as the main breed for beef production in Brazil. Jaffarabadi males had high mature weight, slow growth in the first year of life followed by high growth thereafter. Female Jaffarabadi were smaller and showed a similar level of precocity to Mediterranean animals. Buffaloes in Brazil have traditionally been used for milk production; however, our study clearly demonstrates that all three breeds have appropriate characteristics for meat production.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Animal Genetics Received: 2016/10/11 | Accepted: 2017/03/18 | Published: 2017/12/1