Agricultural Research Center, East Azarbaijan, Tabriz, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract: (5660 Views)
Manual planting of sugar-beet stecklings is a very laborious and time-consuming opera-tion. To overcome the problems, and decrease the cost of operation to a reasonable level, a semi-automatic steckling transplanter was designed. The suitability of the steckling trans-planter with regard to the agrotechnical requirements of sugar-beet stecklings was stud-ied and the main field performance parameters of the machine were measured. The re-sults showed that the transplanter was able to place the stecklings with a row spacing of 65 cm and a plant spacing of 50.3 cm at a selected depth of 13 cm. Deviations of the steck-ling placements relative to their theoretical positions were 4.5 % and 3.6 % along the row and in a direction perpendicular to the row respectively. For a forward speed of 0.6 km/h and a maximum planting depth (18 cm), the required draft was 4.05 kN.
Agricultural Machinery Received: 2010/01/28 | Accepted: 2010/01/28 | Published: 2010/01/28