1- Islamic Azad University
2- Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO)
3- Tarbiat Modares University , fathi@modares.ac.ir
Abstract: (333 Views)
The sugar beet moth, Scrobipalpa ocellatella (Boyd) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) is one of the most serious threats to sugar beet cultivation worldwide causing economically significant yield loss. The life table parameters of S. ocellatella were determined on eight sugar beet cultivars (Dorothea, Ekbatan, Merak, Palma, Rozier, SBSI 007, Sharif and Shokoofa) under laboratory conditions at 25±1oC, 60±5% RH and 16:8 h (L:D) photoperiod. The longest (15.29 days) and shortest (7.61 days) female longevity was recorded on Shokoofa, and Merak cultivars, respectively. At the same time, Shokoofa and Merak cultivars had the highest and lowest total fecundity (85.26 eggs/female) and (32.39 eggs/female), respectively. The net reproductive rate (R0) varied from 9.31 eggs/individual to 39.44 eggs/individual on eight sugar beet cultivars; the lowest value was on Merak and the highest value was on Shokoofa. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (r) (0.102 d-1) and finite rate of increase (λ) (1.107 d-1) were on the Shokoofa cultivar. The results showed that all life table parameters of S. ocellatella were significantly different on the sugar beet cultivars tested. According to the conducted laboratory experiments, Merak was the most resistant cultivar to S. ocellatella compared with the other cultivars tested.
Article Type:
Original Research |
Ecology and Biological Control Received: 2024/02/2 | Accepted: 2024/01/1