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1- Van YYU , ozlemguldigen@yyu.edu.tr
2- Van YYU
Abstract:   (413 Views)
Increasing need for drought adaptation measures to conserve water and sustain crop yield in water-scarce regions, driven by severe and recurrent droughts. Achieving sustainable production entails studying deficit irrigation as a means to enhance water productivity and selecting genotypes resilient to soil water deficits. In the present study, 17 different melon (Cucumis melo L.) genotypes collected from the Van Lake Basin and 3 hybrids and 1 standard melon cultivar for control purposes were used. The study was carried out under climate room conditions. Two different irrigation levels (I100: 100% full irrigation, I50: 50% deficit irrigation-DI) were applied in the study for deficit irrigation. The applications started with the emergence of the second true leaves of the plants and after one-month, different growth, nutrient, and enzyme contents of the seedlings were determined. In general, it was determined that deficit water application negatively affects seedling growth, and and root dry matter, stomatal width and density, potassium, APX and SOD enzymes, and MDA content increased, while the other examined parameters decreased. The genotypes of the Van Lake Basin melon were found to vary as a result of the findings.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Vegetable Crops
Received: 2023/12/21 | Accepted: 2024/01/1

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