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1- graduated PhD Student
2- assistant Prof. in Tarbiat Modares University , h.farhadian@modares.ac.ir
3- Association Prof. In Tarbiat Modares University
4- full Prof. in Tehran University
Abstract:   (315 Views)
Rural handwoven carpet weavers, particularly in the context of handmade silk carpet production, grapple with significant challenges concerning recognizing all stakeholders and establishing timely connections. These challenges have a substantial impact on the adoption of innovation in carpet production and the overall enhancement of productivity. This research was conducted to scrutinize the communication network of carpet weavers within the Knowledge and Innovation System (KIS) of handmade silk carpet production in rural areas. Data were gathered through interviews with 270 rural households in Zanjan province, specifically in the Tarom, Khodabandeh, and Zanjan counties, utilizing a structured questionnaire. Social Network Analysis (SNA) in UCINET was employed to examine the interactions among these actors, and graphical representations were created using Net Draw. The results revealed that the network's density varied across different levels, showing weakness in some cases, moderate strength in others, and strong connections in select instances. The connections of carpet weaving families with other actors within the KIS were predominantly localized. Among these families, those utilizing the home-based wage production method exhibited the most extensive interactions. The individuals designated as "FMs" (likely referring to family members) and "WNVKRs" (possibly local experts) demonstrated the highest degree of connection and influence within the network of weavers' interactions
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Agricultural Extension and Education/Rural Development
Received: 2023/03/13 | Accepted: 2024/01/1

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