1- Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract: (8009 Views)
The purpose of this study was to determine students’ attitudes toward international agricultural issues. The population for the study consisted of agricultural extension students at Tehran and Shiraz Universities, Agriculture and Natural Resources Colleges’ (N= 170). A stratified random sampling technique was employed to select samples, (n= 120). The study was conducted during the fall 2007 using a descriptive, correlational design. Cronbach’s alpha, an internal consistency measure, was employed to estimate the reliability. The reliability for the instrument was found to be acceptable (Alpha= 0.89). Questionnsire was employed to assess the students’attitudes toward international agricultural issues. Results revealed that students had positive or “in agreement” attitudes toward international agricultural issues. They especially were of the belief that they should know more about agriculture and its important standing in the world economy. Moreover, students were “in agreement” concerning educational methods, which can help them learn international agricultural issues.
Received: 2010/08/2 | Accepted: 2010/08/2 | Published: 2010/08/2