Volume 26, Issue 6 (2024)                   JAST 2024, 26(6): 1347-1358 | Back to browse issues page

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Boulares M, Zarroug Y, Mahmoudi I, Romdhane L, Aloui S, Ben Moussa O et al . Valorization of Tunisian Acorn “Quercus suber L.” Starch in Stirred Yogurt. JAST 2024; 26 (6) :1347-1358
URL: http://jast.modares.ac.ir/article-23-65549-en.html
1- Research Laboratory: “Technological Innovation and Food Security LR22-AGR 01”, Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunisia (ESIAT), University of Carthage, 58 Alain Savary Street, El Khadhra City, 1003, Tunis, Tunisia. , boulares_mouna2006@yahoo.fr
2- Field Crops Laboratory, National Agronomic Research Institute of Tunisia (INRAT), Tunisia.
3- Research Laboratory: “Technological Innovation and Food Security LR22-AGR 01”, Higher Institute of Food Industries of Tunisia (ESIAT), University of Carthage, 58 Alain Savary Street, El Khadhra City, 1003, Tunis, Tunisia.
4- Department of Biology, Faculty of Science of Bizerte, Jarzouna, Tunisia.
Abstract:   (991 Views)
The current research aimed, first, to valorize Tunisian cork oak acorn starch extracted by water soaking method in dairy industry. The effect of its incorporation into milk on the evolution of rheological, sensorial and microbiological properties of stirred yogurt during refrigerated storage was, also, evaluated. No significant effect was observed on fermentation parameters of the acorn starch added product. During 28 days of refrigerated storage, the incorporation of acorn starch did not affect the post-acidification and the viability of the lactic starter cultures. Moreover, the treated stirred yogurt exhibited a lower syneresis value and a higher consistency when compared to the untreated control and that incorporated with industrial modified starch. The findings revealed that acorn starch incorporation extended the shelf life of the final product by about 6 days. Despite its less appreciated color (3.67±0.5), acorn-starch-added yogurt product gained the highest overall acceptability scores (4.11±0.6) by the panel.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Food Science and Technology
Received: 2022/11/20 | Accepted: 2023/11/18 | Published: 2024/03/31

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