1- Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, University of Tehran, Islamic
Republic of Iran.
Abstract: (6453 Views)
Heat stress is a major environmental stress limiting wheat productivity in most cereal
growing areas of the world. In order to map and characterize quantitative trait loci controlling
heat tolerance, 144 recombinant inbred lines deriving from the cross of Kauz and
MTRWA116 were assessed in a greenhouse and growth chamber at 35°C. One hundred
and sixty six SSR and 3 AFLP markers were used to construct a linkage map containing
18 linkage groups and covering 16 chromosomes of wheat. Using the composite interval
mapping method, three QTLs were detected for heat tolerance and measured by the
Fischer susceptibility index, on chromosomes 1B, 5B and 7B. The alleles of both parents
contributed to heat tolerance. A large amount of explained phenotypic variances and
small confidence intervals indicate that the linkage information between markers and
QTLs could easily be used in breeding for heat tolerance.
Plant Breeding Received: 2010/01/28 | Accepted: 2010/01/28 | Published: 2010/01/28