Volume 16, Issue 2 (2014)                   JAST 2014, 16(2): 461-477 | Back to browse issues page

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Panahandeh Y, Pourjam E, Pedram M. Four New Tylenchids (Tylenchina: Nematoda) for Nematode Fauna of Iran. JAST 2014; 16 (2) :461-477
URL: http://jast.modares.ac.ir/article-23-5412-en.html
1- Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract:   (6582 Views)
Four tylenchid species, namely, Aglenchus agricola, Malenchus exiguus, Psilenchus curcumerus, and P. terextremus are reported from Iran. The Iranian population of A. agricola is characterized by 542-659 µm long body, 10-12 µm long stylet, excretory pore at 70-87 µm distance from anterior end, prominent lateral fields, with four lines, tail of 170-198 long, and rare males with 15-20 µm long spicules. Iranian population of M. exiguus is characterized by 362-412 µm long body, 8-10 µm long stylet, lateral fields with two crenated lines, originating at mid-region of procorpus and ending at 1/3 of the tail length, PUS of 6-9 µm, tail 65-89 µm long and common males with 13-19 µm long spicules. The recovered population of P. curcumerus is characterized by having a smooth head region, 12-15 µm long stylet, presence of post-rectal sac and filiform tail with clavate terminus and the Iranian population of P. terextremus is characterized by lateral fields with crenate margins, appearing as a simple band, with two or three weakly developed bands in cross section and lateral view, respectively, median bulb anterior to the middle of the pharynx and filiform tail with rounded tip. The morphological and morphometric characters of the recovered populations and their differences and similarities with those given in the original descriptions are discussed.
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Received: 2012/10/10 | Accepted: 2013/07/1 | Published: 2014/03/1

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