Volume 16, Issue 4 (2014)                   JAST 2014, 16(4): 841-850 | Back to browse issues page

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Aghnoum M, Feghhi J, Makhdoum M, Jabbarian Amiri B. Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Forest Management Plan Based on Matrix and Landscape Degradation Model. JAST 2014; 16 (4) :841-850
URL: http://jast.modares.ac.ir/article-23-5194-en.html
1- Department of Forestry and Forest Economic, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran.
2- Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran , Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract:   (7165 Views)
Management of the forest resources and related activities has significant effects on the environment. Applying the environmental impact assessment (EIA) provides a basis for improving forest management plans. However, in the developing countries such as Iran, there have been so far no serious endeavors and research to undertake the EIA of the various practices affecting the forest resources, despite the enormous negative impacts of forestry practices on environmental quality. Hence, the main objective of the present study was to address the effects of the human activities on forest ecosystem and their consequences, and to assess the environmental quality of Patom Forest Management Plan through the application of landscape degradation model (LDM) and the matrix method. Decision making based on LDM indicated that all compartment of Patom District have high degradation coefficient and need rehabilitating practices. Furthermore, application of the matrix method revealed that forest roads, logging operations, and other activities needed modification and mitigation plans. Also, forestry activities have had 25.8 and 35.5% positive impacts and consequences in contrast with 74.2 and 64.5% negative impact and consequences on the environment. Hence, in order to improve forest management plans and reduce the negative effects of forestry activities in Iran, forest managers should apply environmental impact assessment with quantitative EIA instruments before the design and implementation of the forest management plans and forestry activities.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Forestry
Received: 2012/12/14 | Accepted: 2013/10/5 | Published: 2014/07/1

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