Volume 10, Issue 3 (2008)                   JAST 2008, 10(3): 215-223 | Back to browse issues page

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Rasooli Sharabiani V, Ranjbar I. Determination of the Degree, Level and Capacity Indices for Agricultural Mechanization in Sarab Region. JAST 2008; 10 (3) :215-223
URL: http://jast.modares.ac.ir/article-23-315-en.html
1- Department of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mohaghegh Ardebili, Ardebil, Islamic Republic of Iran.
2- Department of Agricultural Machinery, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract:   (6707 Views)
The purpose of this study was to determ the degree, level and capacity indices of agricultural mechanization in Sarab Region (N: 37º45', E: 47º30') in Eastern Azarbayjan Province, comprising about 65,164 hectares of farming land. The number of tractors, types of machines, and degree, level, and capacity of mechanization were calculated as the method of study. Data showed that the average level of mechanization was equal to 0.83 (hp per ha); partial energy expenditure per hectare (mechanization capacity) by energy producing sources (human, animal and machine), was 1.24%, 2.23%, and 96.35 % respectively. The results show the importance of the role of the machine in production. Although the level of mechanization in this region was higher than the national mechanization level, the degree of mechanization was very low in most of the farming operations. It was estimated that to reach the mechanization level of 1.5 hp ha-1, 775 tractors are required. In this study some overall guidelines for improving mechanization and increasing farm production are also presented.
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Subject: Agricultural Machinery
Received: 2010/01/28 | Accepted: 2010/01/28 | Published: 2010/01/28

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