Volume 21, Issue 1 (2019)                   JAST 2019, 21(1): 169-179 | Back to browse issues page

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Erena M, Brotons J M, Conesa A, Manera F J, Castaner R, Porras I. Influence of Climate Change on Natural Degreening of Lemons (Citrus limon L. Burm. f). JAST 2019; 21 (1) :169-179
URL: http://jast.modares.ac.ir/article-23-14262-en.html
1- Department of Natural Resources, Murcian Institute of Agriculture and Food Research and Development (IMIDA, Estacion Sericicola, Calle Mayor s/n. 30150, La Alberca, Murcia, Spain.
2- Department of Economic and Financial Studies, Miguel Hernandez University, 03202. Elche. Alicante Spain.
3- Department of Vegetable Production and Microbiology, Miguel Hernandez University, Ctra de Beniel, km 3.2. 03312 Orihuela. Alicante, Spain.
4- Department of Physics and Architecture of Computers, Miguel Hernández University, Ctra de Beniel, km 3.2. 03312 Orihuela. Alicante, Spain.
5- Department of Citriculture, Murcian Institute of Agriculture and Food Research and Development (IMIDA), Estación Sericícola, Calle Mayor s/n. 30150, La Alberca, Murcia, Spain.
Abstract:   (2906 Views)
The influence of the minimum air temperatures on the lemon fruits color change from green to yellow was studied in three climatic change scenarios. With the drop in temperature in early autumn, chlorophylls in the lemon fruits break down and they naturally take on their characteristic yellow colour. In this work, based on three climate models, in which the temperature change is predicted until 2100, the effect of climate change on natural degreening of lemons fruits was analyzed. According to these models, due to the rise in air temperature, the start of color development would be delayed by one week to two months. But, in none of these cases would the fruits reach their characteristic colour on the tree, therefore, it would be necessary to use degreening chambers to achieve the commercial coloration, implying an increase in production costs.
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Article Type: Review | Subject: Agricultural Economics/Agriculture Marketing and Supply Chains
Received: 2016/12/19 | Accepted: 2018/03/14 | Published: 2018/12/29

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