Volume 25, Issue 3 (2023)                   JAST 2023, 25(3): 635-646 | Back to browse issues page

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Trilokia M, Bandral J D, Sood M, Gupta N, Dutta U. Quality Evaluation of Gluten-Free Protein Enriched Pasta Prepared Using Basmati Rice Flour, Groundnut Meal and Carrot Pomace. JAST 2023; 25 (3) :635-646
URL: http://jast.modares.ac.ir/article-23-56711-en.html
1- Division of Food Science and Technology, Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Chatha – 180009, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA. , meenakshi.trilokia@gmail.com
2- Division of Food Science and Technology, Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Chatha – 180009, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA.
3- Division of Food Science and Technology SKUAST-Jammu, Main Campus Chatha, (180009), Jammu & Kashmir, INDIA
4- Division of Microbiology, Sher-e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu, Chatha – 180009, Jammu and Kashmir, INDIA.
Abstract:   (1301 Views)
Experiments were conducted for the quality evaluation of developed gluten-free protein enriched pasta. The pasta was formulated by taking a different proportion of Pre-gelatinized broken basmati Rice Flour, freeze-dried Carrot Pomace, and Groundnut Meal in the ratios of T1 (100:0:0::PRF:CP:GM), T2 (97:1:2::PRF:CP:GM), T3 (94:2:4), T4 (91:3:6), T5 (88:4:8), T6 (85:5:10), T7 (82:6:12), and T8 (79:7:14) respectively. Pre-gelatinized broken basmati rice flour (T1) was considered as the control pasta. Each pasta sample after drying was packaged in polypropylene bags and stored for 3 months at ambient conditions (28±2°C). Results revealed that the Lightness (L*) value of gluten-free protein enriched pasta decreased, while a* and b* values increased with the increase in the incorporation level of freeze-dried carrot pomace and groundnut meal to broken basmati rice flour. Also, water activity, bulk density, swelling power (g g-1), water absorption index (g g-1), and cooking time were greatly influenced by the increased incorporation level. There was a significant decrease in cooking time and smoothness of gluten-free protein enriched pasta because of fibre addition. On the other hand, incorporation resulted in little clumpiness and disintegration.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: Food Chemistry
Received: 2021/10/27 | Accepted: 2022/05/29 | Published: 2023/05/4

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