1- Department of Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141004, India.
2- Department of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana 141004, India.
Abstract: (6467 Views)
Maize response to deficit water and planting methods was studied for assessing phenological development and yield under Punjab conditions. Experiment was planned with eleven (9+2) treatments; nine treatments were the combinations of three levels of Cumulative Pan Evaporation (CPE) i.e. Drip Irrigation (DI) to replenish 60, 80, and 100% of base (30 mm) CPE and three planting methods i.e. 1Row/Ridge, 1Row/Bed and 1Row (zigzag)/Bed. The additional two treatments i.e. flat and ridge sown, were kept as control. Each increase from DI60 to DI100 caused significant earliness in visibility of collar of the 8th leaf, tasselling, and silking and significant delay in dough stage and physiological maturity. Irrigation water applied was linearly related to the duration of the reproductive phase and grain yield. Higher Dry Matter (DM) production and longer reproductive phase led to significantly higher grain yield under DI100. All phenological stages were delayed under flat sown as compared to ridge sown control. Ridge sown was better than flat sown control with respect to DM and grain yield. Drip irrigation treatments showed advancement in tasselling and silking and significantly late physiological maturity with longer reproductive phase that resulted in significantly higher crop DM and grain yield as compared to the mean of the two control treatments. Crop phenology was affected by drip irrigation regimes and increase in drip irrigation regimes was linearly and positively related with length of reproductive phase. Thus, grain yield was also increased significantly. However, crop phenology and yield were not affected much by the planting methods used.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Irrigation and Drainage Received: 2014/09/4 | Accepted: 2015/06/24 | Published: 2016/05/1