Volume 17, Issue 2 (2015)                   JAST 2015, 17(2): 321-331 | Back to browse issues page

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Razmjoo J, Ghafari H. Response of Durum Wheat to Foliar Application of Varied Sources and Rates of Iron Fertilizers. JAST 2015; 17 (2) :321-331
URL: http://jast.modares.ac.ir/article-23-10390-en.html
1- Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, P. O. Box: 84156-83111, Isfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract:   (6837 Views)
Iron deficiency in soil reduces the quality of durum wheat leading to Fe deficiency in human. Thus, this experiment investigated the effects of foliar application of nano-iron oxide (2 and 4 g L-1), iron chelate (EDTA), (4 and 8 g L-1), iron sulfate (4 and 8 g L-1), and the control on grain yield and quality, yield components, chlorophyll and carotenoids contents, peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities of durum wheat D-85-15-5. Iron application increased activities of all leaf enzymes and chlorophyll of leaf, grain protein, iron and carbohydrate contents, grain carbohydrate, protein, iron yields, and grain yield. Iron source had no effects on enzymes activities, but the highest chlorophyll content, grain yield, grain iron (38%) and protein contents (58%), protein, iron, and carbohydrate yields were produced by application of 2 g L-1 of nano-iron oxide followed by 8 g L-1 iron sulfate. Harvest index, 1,000 gain-weight, and chlorophyll, grain yield, grain iron and protein contents, protein, iron, and carbohydrate yields increased. But, these parameters decreased at the higher rate of nano-iron oxide. Application of 2 g L-1 nano-iron oxide was more effective than the other Fe sources and rates, and is suggested for durum wheat production.
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Article Type: Research Paper | Subject: Agronomy|Food Science and Technology|Soil Science
Received: 2013/08/11 | Accepted: 2014/05/24 | Published: 2015/03/1

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