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Volume 29, Issue 3 (7-2022)
Developments and accomplishments of the newly founded Republic of Turkey in the first half of the 20th century had long been the focus of Reza Khan, the Pahlavi ruler of Iran. He considered Atatürk and his actions to be a good model for modern life. After ascending the throne, in parallel with the implementation of Western models, he applied the dominant thinking of Turkey about people’s way of life. Emphasis on the role of women, believing that the backwardness of social organization is the reason for the humiliation of women in the society, was closely pursued by Reza Shah as an important policy and as an ideology of his governance. Among special features and components of women's issues are their presence in the social fields, clothing, health, work and financial independence, and their education, which are addressed comparatively. The main question of this article is that despite the policies of Reza Shah's government regarding women, following the example of Atatürk, what similar achievement was made? If not, what were the reasons for this? The present article tries to identify different aspects of Iran and Turkey by using archival documents, newspapers, written sources, historical researches, and descriptive-analytical methods in examining instances of modernization by imitating Turkey. The result confirms the main point that it is not correct to equate the social modernization activities of Reza Shah and Atatürk. The personality structure, the level of knowledge and awareness, and how the two came to power had a different process, and finally, the society's approach to their position in power was also different. Reza Shah's perspective with Atatürk on women's issues and the actions taken by each of them to change the position of women followed different conditions, reactions, and consequences, which in this article is highlighted using a grounded theory and a background study on issues and finally an appropriate analysis is made based on the author's perception.
Volume 30, Issue 1 (1-2023)
This paper, reflecting on the village and archaeological site of Jamalo located on the top of the Zayanderud dam, aims to explore the circumstances human settlements would have encounter with the construction of the dam and when its reservoirs were flooded. About 30 years ago, as the images from Google Map showed, the water strip emerging from the Zayanderud dam, wherein the left riverbank hosted the village and archaeological site of Jamalo. This site had been occupied for much of the sixth and fifth millennium BC until the beginning of the Early Bronze Age. In the Middle Bronze Age, it had been dominated by the Proto-literate, historic, and Islamic periods. Archaeological evidence from surface surveys also indicated that pottery shreds were similar to those of Sialk III and Bakun A. Now, Jamalo is exposed to the waters of the dam reservoir. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to provide an overview of what would have happened to archaeological sites with the construction of the dam, its reservoirs were flooded, and when landscapes were radically altered. Another question was: “What would have happened to archeological sites as floods made it inaccessible?” Based on the excavation at Jamalo and the comparison of images taken from the region before and after the construction of the dam, it was observed that the reservoir had destroyed the village, and the slopes of the site, especially on the eastern and northeastern parts, had been covered with a layer of deposits.
Volume 30, Issue 1 (Spring 2022)
In addition to its physiologic and gender aspects, anima is attributed to an archetype to innate behavioral preparations and experiences of congenital life which include the abilities like artistry, naturalism, fluid emotion and affection, power of inspiration, etc. Generally, from the second half of chronological age, these values set the character on the path to sublimation, wholeness and growth by applying the skill of individuation and absorbing consciousness. As the archetype of ecstasy and emotional impulse, anima also manifests itself in a wide range of literature.
Rather than presenting examples of anima, this study with a descriptive-analytic method, tries to psychologically analyze the employment of the individuation of anima and the values of feminine body in some of the most important poems of Ibn Farez that express this process.
The findings indicate that in his poems, the retrieval and absorption of anima’s talents have been done unconsciously. In addition, Ibn Farez has benefited from the capabilities of ideas such as pacifism, aesthetics, naturalism, and emotion to the splendors of existence, living here and now, the ability to comprehend and express excitements and inner emotions, etc., that all prepare the ground for the wholeness, subtlety and flexibility of personality.
Volume 30, Issue 1 (Spring 2022)
Receiving the Qur’an as a literary text is one of the epistemological responses of scholars to this text in the twentieth century. This kind of reception has a long history in the Islamic heritage, especially in the studies of Qur’anic commentators and scholars, but there are fundamental differences between the literary reading of the Qur’an in the past and in the present. These differences arise from the methods used to analyze and study the literary text. If we look at the Qur’an as a literary text from the perspective of modern theories, we encounter with challenges because the literary text, under in this view, is considered an open and pluralistic text in terms of meaning, during its formation and reception. This article examines the challenges raised by receiving the Qur’an as a literary text in light of "Reception Theory". In this regard, it is observed that the principle of coherence provides us with a criterion for distinguishing interpretations close and far from the truth of the Qur’an and contributes to framing the reader's participation in the process of reading the Qur'an as a literary text from the perspective of modern theories.
Volume 30, Issue 1 (Spring 2022)
In Genette's narrative discourse, both the story and its way of narration, namely discourse are emphasized and narration is regarded as an interaction between the story and discourse. In this approach, discourse has three aspects: form, tone and time that is consisted of discipline, continuity and repetition. Using a descriptive-analytical method and by investigating the structure of time, narrative focuses, the distance between narration and narrator's expression in Umm Sa'd novel, in the present study we try to analyze narrative text and determine the extent of application of this approach by Ghassan Kanafani with the purpose of forming the narrative system and structure of the story. It is supposed that the novel is involved with interference of triple time periods and fits this hypothesis; hence it is demonstrated that due to focusing on descriptive pause at the beginning of the story, the story's acceleration is negative and non-important events are removed at the end parts of the story, as a result the narration gains a positive acceleration; however, the dominant frequency is singular in this story and repetitive frequency has been used for meaningful emphasis in novel's plot. By violating the time's linear routine, the author has used different types of retrospective and prospective anachronism but simultaneous narration that manifests as dialogue and debate between two parties has the most frequency and this caused a realistic space within the story and reduction of the distance between audience and text, as a result Kanafani's narrative dynamism is enhanced.
Volume 30, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)
One of the interpretive approaches in image studies is iconology, which describes the meaning and explanation of works. In religious arts such as in Christianity, there are many symbols and signs which refer to beliefs and traditions. One of the most important beliefs of Christianity is the incarnation of God. The purpose of this study is to study the semantics of a selected painting by Giotto, an Italian painter. In order to understand the symbolic concepts related to incarnation, the question arises as how the iconological method seeks out the signs of embodiment in a Giotto painting, and what are the effects of the artist's knowledge on painting. The method applies in the course of this research is analytical-historical, with the desired approach being iconology. Library and visual sources have taken into account in the accomplishment of this paper. In the end, it is suggested that the iconology method, while studying the face, deals with visual communication and why the work is formed based on the symbols of incarnation. Finally, for the first time in the history of art, despite the dominance of religion, Giotto used painting as an independent art based on facts and expressed incarnation with realistic concepts.
Volume 30, Issue 2 (Summer 2023)
There are many concepts associated with light in Jewish mysticism, and all its meanings are attributed to the verse of light from the book of Beresheet (1:3). The origin of all lights is the light of Ein Sof “the infinite light”, that all other lights emanate from, which are called Sefirot. Among them is the primordial light associated with man. In this article, we try to explain the concept of primitive light within the development of the concept of man, in the Kabbalistic literature. This study aims to clarify the various meanings associated with the concept of man and its development, by studying a number of names and their meanings, such as Adam Harishon, Adam of the Earth, and then researching the concept of Adam Kadmon, and the third element, which is the primordial light, or Adam-Kadmon, which is related to the end of time, and the emergence of Al-Mashih.
Finally, the study concludes with the consideration that the several of these labels are metaphorical to bring the understanding closer to the mind. We find that the development of the concept of man in Kabbalah has a mystical dimension linked to the world of Sefirot. The first of these is the heavenly man under the designation "Adam Harishon", which corresponds to the Elohim in his image, and whose association with the Sefirot represents human organs. The heavenly Adam contrasts with the earthly Adam, who is composed of a body and a soul, where his soul is connected to Elohim and it is the element of his Sefirutic connection.
The second concept of man is Adam Kadmon, considering him a primary light linked to creation within the worlds of “Abia” within the level of “Keter”. Then this concept develops to represent the entire universe within the Lurian tsumtsum theory. The third concept is related to the light of the Mashah that appears at the end of time, and at the beginning of its creation is called the primordial light, while it is called Adam Kadmon within the reform process “Tikun” the end of time.
Volume 30, Issue 3 (Fall 2024)
The study of international entrepreneurship in one of the most important and influential businesses in the economic world today, namely small and medium-sized businesses that are run by families, has been introduced as one of the vital fields of study by researchers. The study provides an international entrepreneurship model in small and medium family businesses in Iran. The study has been taken by adopting a qualitative approach of Grounded theory, through purposive sampling and data collection among 20 managers and employees of family businesses active in the food industry. Also, the data analyzed using interview tools during three common coding steps in the Strauss-Corbin approach. Data analyzed by Atlas ti software. The reliability of the research tool assessed using the two-coder agreement method. The designed model includes market strategies, networking, Iranian culture governing business, entrepreneurial capabilities, underlying factors (internal factors, external factors, area of business activity, political conditions of sanctions and government support), resources (financial, Technological and human resources), sustainable development, sustainable Currency and global practice are among the results of the research.
Volume 30, Issue 4 (10-2023)
In Postcolonialism the issue of the influential power of dominant hegemony over the resultants of cultural confrontation between colonized and colonizer is preponderantly under scrutiny. Frantz Fanon is an influential figure in building upon this conceptual framework; whose oeuvre is bestrewed with postulations regarding the consequences of colonization and racism on the identity, experience, and the psyche of colored people. By utilizing Fanon’s thought, this paper intends to analyze different aspects of the black experience, such as alienation, inferiority, and assimilation in Edward P. Jones’s Pulitzer-winning novel, The Known World (2003). Throughout the novel, the conduct of free or bonded black characters within the institution of slavery reflects that of the white culture, and Fanon’s ideas are called upon to investigate the origin and possible consequence and implications of such behaviors.
Volume 30, Issue 4 (Winter 2024)
The stigma as one of the most important concepts of Erving Goffman in dramatic sociology that investigates the identity that arises with the creation of a gap between social identity (that arises in the interaction with other people) and the potential identity (with which individuals define themselves). Such people are not able to follow the common norms of society and as a result they are not accepted by others and a "stigma" is put on their forehead. In the novel Chicago by Alaa Al Aswany, we are witnessed to the stigma attached to two main female characters, Shayma (Egyptian) and Carol (American). These two Eastern and Western women who are dealing with the stigma. With a descriptive-analytical method, this study tries to investigate the "Stigma" theory of Goffman and to analyze the action of each of the female protagonists against the stigma and find solutions for it. The results indicate that Shayma is facing the stigma of having an illicit relationship with her classmate and getting pregnant by him, and to get rid of it, she has an abortion. But Carol suffers from ethnic-racial stigma that has faced her with social rejection, she succumbs to other stigmas in order to get rid of it and achieve a desirable social status.
Volume 31, Issue 1 (1-2024)
New Assyria constructed magnificent palaces and temples in its three capital cities, Kalho/Kalah (Nimrud), Dursharokin (Khorsabad), and Nineveh (Koyunjik), which were all adorned with exquisite reliefs. In addition to intimidating and influencing foreign nationals, they engaged in political-religious propaganda. The relief was regarded as one of the most significant works of Assyrian art used to embellish their magnificent government and religious buildings. In these reliefs, they depicted various scenes and subjects while emphasizing the king's and gods'/angels' authoritative presence. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to examine and identify these unique works of art through iconographic analysis of multiple themes. On the other hand, it is beneficial to comprehend the cultural and social conditions of the time by analyzing the scenes and themes in motifs. This study intends to examine scenes taking into account the significance of religion and especially gods/angels in society and the Assyrian court, and after classifying the various scenes of the winged god/angels in the reliefs of the palaces of Kalho, Dursharokin, and Nineveh, providing an archaeological and artistic description of them, and analyzing the icons using the iconography method. How are the scenes in the reliefs of New Assyria classed thematically, and what is the method for iconographically analyzing the depictions of gods and angels? This research is a type of fundamental research based on its nature and approach; it is a type of historical and analytic research, and its method and instrument for information collection are documentary.
Volume 31, Issue 1 (Spring 2024)
Changes in banking business model, entering new markets, switching traditional and classical systems' nature to electronic banking and entering digital banking, as well as the emergence of FinTechs and startups in the banking industry on the one hand and the lack of a comprehensive view and inclusive in the field of risk identification and control, on the other hand, increased the concern and risk of banks. What is certain is that the process and manner of change do not indicate a secure future. Therefore, the present study aims to provide a comprehensive classification of types of risks in the Iranian banking industry. The statistical sample includes the number of thirty selected experts and risk experts in the banking industry who selected by sampling method based on systematic elimination. Twenty final indicators determined for risk classification in the banking industry from among 68 extractive components obtained from literature review, obtained by repeating the Delphi method three times in 1399-1400 period. The results showed that the proposed classification of banking risk includes financial risk, operational risk, economic risk, socio-political risk, compliance risk, and knowledge and technology risk. The validating results through the Delphi technique showed that Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the third round was equal to 0.899 and indicated that all indicators were significant and valid and there was a high level of consensus among experts.
Volume 31, Issue 1 (Spring 2024)
The Ahl al-Bayt`s behavior towards their chihdren shows the importance of paying attention to religious training and providing for their needs in the family. Imam Sajjad (as), realizing the importance of religious training that begins from the first social base, the family, referred to this issue, and his Sahifa Sajjadieh and Risalah Al-Huquq are full of training propositions at the family level. This study designe to analyse their training discourse in family relationships and examine the mutual duties of parents and children and extract training concepts in their speech through language structure to be able to use effectivv training components, discovered effective speaking style in training teaching and used as a verbal model. Based on this, 84 uttarances of speech from his discourse, which conveys trainind propositions at the family level, were selected and analysed based on Searle`s theory of speech act and descriptive-analytical method, and finally obtained the type of speech acts used in Imam`s words. Findings show that directive speech act with a frequency of 57 cases had the most repetition and his discourse is devoid of commisive and declarative speech acts. This statistic shows that in addition to adhere to the principles of training, it is necessary to stimulate their emotiins or intellectual persuasion, to create the ground for influence in their. Also negative training methods have`nt place in the speech of the Imam (as) and He used collective prayer to achieve his training goals and didn`t place himself at a higher level than the listener.
Volume 31, Issue 2 (5-2024)
Objective: This study aims to find the most suitable type of oral narrative for assessing the transitivity system used by hearing-impaired students studying in ordinary schools with their hearing counterparts.
Methods: Three types of oral narratives, including personal narration, storytelling, and story improvisation were collected. The participants were eighteen hearing-impaired students (selected as an available sample) along with eighteen hearing students. Oral narratives were transcribed and analyzed using Halliday's transitivity system framework. And data analysis was carried out using SPSS 26 and based on the normality of the data in each of the transitivity indicators, two-independent samples t-tests and U Mann-Whitney tests were conducted.
Results: Findings revealed that all three types of oral narratives of hearing-impaired students contained transitivity indicators lower than average, this difference was significant for processes (p=0.047) and participants (p=0.029) in improvisation, and for circumstances only in Personal narrative (p=041). However, in the total three types of narratives, the median difference between the two groups is significant in all transitivity indices (p= 0.24, p=0.022, and p=0.001 for processes, participants, and circumstances respectively).
Conclusion: In light of the results of this research, the storytelling task, which is the most widely used form of assessment in communication disorders, cannot capture the narrative weaknesses of hearing-impaired students enrolled in regular schools, and it is necessary to use more spontaneous narrative tasks such as personal narration and improvisation of narrative in evaluating and rehabilitating these children.
Volume 31, Issue 2 (Summer 2024)
Change in the family in Iran has strengthened the discourse of disintegration. In this article examines the phenomenological study of the conceptual space of the family and its status through of actors. The research has been done with a qualitative approach and relying on the live people from different family models. The study population is a purposeful sample of 29 residents of Tehran at 2017, which includes the normative family and its alternatives. Necessary data were collected by interview technique and analyzed and interpreted by content analysis method. Research has shown that in the mental space of actors, the family model is not obsolete but is facing changes and has changed from function emotional and from rigid structure to fluid and process and jointly with the main the main themes of sexual satisfaction, support, commitment, love and Sustainability is built. Strategies show that the family and its alternatives are moving towards the nuclear family model. Also, an important feature of the family and its distinguishing feature from the Western model is maintaining family relations, navigating the kinship system, and maintaining its emotional and economic support. Thus, the dependent nuclear family is the dominant mode in the conceptual space of the family.
Volume 31, Issue 2 (Summer 2024)
Text linguistics is a new branch of linguistics that deals with the description and analysis of extended texts (either spoken or written) in communicative contexts and the role of participants (senders and receivers). Textuality is one of the important concepts in it which was first mentioned by De Beaugrande and Dressler in their book entitled "Introduction to Text Linguistics." They proposed seven features of textuality where coherence is considered one of the basic concepts and seven-dimensional in text linguistics and is the fundamental one, which linguistic scientists have paid special attention to. In fact, this is the coherence of the devices that contribute to the emergence of verbal and structural communication of the text. There are two main types of cohesion:1- Grammatical, 2-Lexical. Imam Ali (AS) wrote his letters to Muawiyah in the different circumstances, but they are not separate from each other i.e. there is a strong connection between them. For this reason, we studied those coherences and their aesthetics through a descriptive-analytical approach. For our study, we chose nine letters of Imam Ali (AS) to Muawiyah: 6-10-17-28-48-55-64-65-75. One of the outcomes we came across has been the recurrence in the lexical cohesion that had the highest rate in Imam’s letters to Muawiyah, as well as the reference in the grammatical cohesion section. We could see that the cohesive devices link the letters to each other, such as the esophoria that builds a network indicating the atmosphere of negotiations between the Imam and Muawiyah.
Volume 31, Issue 3 (Fall 2025)
The structure of the form and content of the gravestones of the Islamic era are significantly influenced by climatic, historical and cultural factors. The gravestones are divided into three main groups, raised, horizontal and combined. Box-shaped tombstones are also one of the species of horizontal gravestones that have different types. The lack of typology and accurate classification of this type of tombstone has caused turbulence in naming works among researchers. In addition, by studying the style of the common and different elements in the structure of the shape and content of the wooden cenotaphs, a precise typology of the tombstones can be presented. Identifying and explaining the common and different aspects of the structure of the form and content in the works mentioned and describing them can be a source for many studies in this field and reduce conflicting ideas among researchers.
Volume 31, Issue 4 (11-2024)
The precedence of poetry can be traced to ancient times when man first realized that he could combine speech with rhythmicity and musicality to convey and express his inner-most thoughts and passions. The strengths and advantages attributed to poetry are galore; however, few think of employing it as a source for retrieving cultural facts. In the current study, the endeavor of the researcher is to display how poetry can be utilized to extract cultural concepts which are embedded in the mass cultural consciousness of a people by scrutinizing their poetry. The complexity of notions, expressed through poetry, can be revealed one’s verses are deconstructed and the poem is perused scholarly to single out hypograms which are the units carrying the essence of meaning. The inevitable result would be the revelation of different layers of meaning which are convoluted into leitmotifs and only a thorough analysis and meticulous reading can exhibit the relationship between signs, signifier and the signified. As both poetry and cultural studies share the characteristic of being implicit, it is necessary to employ methods which aid clarity and lucidity. A sophisticated analysis requires the use of thick description, a method which cleaves the kernels of thought to display intended meaning and acts as a viable catalyst expediting the process of comprehension through interpretation.
Volume 31, Issue 4 (Winter 2025)
العولمه هی سبب رئیس فی التّغییر الاجتماعی والاقتصادی والثّقافی والسّیاسی، فی أنحاء العالم، فقد أصبحت تشکّل فضاءً واسعًا یضمّ جمله من الحقائق والقیم تطال مختلف شؤون الحیاه للإنسان المعاصر. فقد نُظر إلی مسأله أسس نشوء ظاهره العولمه وتوسیعها، وتشکیل مجتمع عالمی، علی أنّه أحد المثل العلیا للإنسانیّه. فمع تطوّر أدوات الاتّصال وانتشارها، نشهد نوعًا من التّوتر العالمی فی العلاقات الوثیقه للمجتمعات الإنسانیّه فی مختلف المجالات.
لقد أدت عملیّه العولمه، من ناحیه، إلی زیاده المعرفه الإنسانیّه وتقویه العلاقات الدّولیّه، ولکنّها من ناحیه أخری طرحت تحدیّات جدلیّه تتعلّق بالقضایا الثقافیّه والسّیاسیّه والاقتصادیّه. فی غضون ذلک، یعدّ تلاقی الأدیان وتعزیز مکانه الفکر الدینی من مزایا مشروع العولمه؛ لذلک، فإنّ مراجعه النّصوص الدینیّه والثقافیّه الدینیّه تقودنا إلی حقیقه لا یمکن إنکارها وهی أنّ دین الإسلام هو دین عالمی، حاول فی تجربته التاریخیّه أن یصبح عالمیًا. لقد طرح الإسلام قضیه العولمه وتشکیل مجتمع عالمی وحکومه عالمیّه، الأمر الذی أکّده المؤسس العظیم للثوره الإسلامیّه فی إیران الإمام روح الله الموسوی الخمینی(قده).
إنّ إیدیولوجیّه الإسلام قادره علی خلق نظام جدید فی العلاقات بین الأمم، یقوم علی الإنسانیّه والروحانیّه، ویمکن القول إنّه أوّل من أوجد محاکاه بین فکره العولمه وتکوین مجتمع عالمی. فمن بین التّعالیم الإسلامیّه، هناک أسس فکریّه ونظریّه قویّه وشامله تتعلّق بحقوق الأسره من حیث تعزیز المکانه الحساسّه والمهمّه للأسره، والتی إذا کانت دینامیکیّه ومستخرجه بلغه الیوم، یمکنها أن تکون مناره مشرقه للعائلات فی العصر الراهن. فی هذا البحث، وبطریقه وصفیه تحلیلیّه واستنتاجیّه، سنقوم بتحلیل استراتیجیات الاستخدام الصحیح لمشروع العولمه، بحسب کلام القائد الأعلی للثوره الإمام الرّاحل الخمینی، ثم نشرح إمکانیّات عولمه حقوق الأسره الإسلامیّه.
Volume 31, Issue 4 (Winter 2025)
Abu Mohammad Khazen was one of the Iranian poets of the Dilmian era and the librarian of Sahib bin Ebad, who wrote poetry in Arabic. Diwan of this poet was unknown for centuries and was discovered in recent years and Ahmad Mahdavi Damghani brought him out of obscurity by correcting Khazan's Diwan. This anonymity and acceptable quality of his poetry made the writers to conduct a research on his poetry. With the initial reading of Divan, it was observed that his poetry is full of norm deviation. Norm deviation is a general deviation from the rules governing the language, and this is done with different methods such as defamiliarization, accentuation, rule-increasing, and rule-making. English theorist Geoffrey Leach has the most consistent theory in the field of deviance, who summarized deviance in eight topics. Therefore, in this essay, it was decided to discuss and examine the examples of non-normativeness in his poetry. It is natural that a suitable research approach for this thesis requires that a descriptive, analytical and at the same time a library method is used in the research. The question of the present research is proposed in this format: How did Abu Mohammad Khazen manage not to disrupt the process of aesthetics and conveying meaning in his normative approach? The general result of the research is that Abu Mohammad Khazen has engaged in norm avoidance in the conventional frameworks of language, therefore, he has not endangered the two principles of aesthetics and the medium of meaning.