Showing 3514 results for Zad
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Among the challenges of language acquisition, developing writing proficiency is widely acknowledged as particularly demanding. Learners must not only select appropriate vocabulary but also use it effectively within a specific context. However, the emphasis on writing skill development should not solely lie in memorizing grammatical rules. Rather, grammar should serve as a tool to facilitate clear and effective communication of ideas. Consequently, prioritizing and strategically selecting essential grammar rules for instruction can significantly enhance and expedite the acquisition of writing skills. This research employs a descriptive-analytical method and utilizes a questionnaire to investigate the potential effects of streamlining Arabic grammar instruction on facilitating and accelerating the development of writing skills in Arabic among Persian undergraduate students majoring in Arabic Language and Literature. To achieve this objective, the study employed a researcher-designed questionnaire distributed among a sample of 16 Arabic language teachers and experts. This instrument aimed to identify the relative importance of Arabic grammar components across three proficiency levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Informed by expert opinion, the research proposes a tiered approach to Arabic grammar instruction. At the beginner level, priority is given to mastering structural order and interrogative particles. The intermediate level focuses on relative nouns, causative constructions, and the mood system. Finally, advanced learners concentrate on verbal mode and aspects. Additionally, the findings highlight the experts' emphasis on introducing similar Arabic and Persian grammar rules in the early stages of education, and Arabic-specific rules at higher levels.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Well-being includes phenomena such as mental health, life satisfaction, positive attitude and feeling happiness. The present study deals with the relationship between language and well-being and claims that well-being factors are expressed in the words of the language. For example, the happiness factor in a language is reflected by certain words such as happy, happiness and satisfied. The theoretical framework of the present study is ecolinguistics. The method is corpus based. The data is extracted from the research of Secretariat of Emotional Intelligence of Tehran Education in 2017. In this study, the well-being status of 1095 high school students, the first and second period, girls and boys, public and private of District One of Tehran have been evaluated. The students' responses to the question about well-being criteria are the base of the present study. The corpus consists of 1161 words with a frequency of 35,455. The content words associated with the five Well-being factors of engagement (occupation and entertainment), perseverance, optimism, connectedness and happiness were extracted in the framework of the semantic map of Jiaqi Wu et al. (2017), by using top-down method. They were analyzed using Excel and SPSS soft-wares. Some examples of the words that represent the well-being factor of happiness are: “relaxation, facilities, happy, healthy, fun, health, happiness, excellent, pleasant, relaxed, happy, satisfied, faith, satisfaction, enjoyed, happiness, joy, and fun”. The research findings show 6845 words of the corpus (about35.7%) are related to well-being, and there is a significant relationship between well-being factors and produced words
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present research investigates the conceptualization of the metaphors of “fear” in the Quran. Conceptual metaphors are an important discourse in cognitive linguistics. In this approach, metaphors are believed to be a cognitive phenomenon which manifests in language. This research aims to identify the initial spheres based on which fear has been conceptualized in the Quran and endeavors to attain the stance of the Quran on this emotion. To this end, a body of 607 verses containing the concept of fear was collected. In the next stage, 18 concepts were identified using cognitive analysis. The two schemas of force and movement as the initial spheres play a major role in the conceptualization of “fear” in the Quran. In conceptualization based on movement, behavioral and physiological actions of people facing external forces indicate their lack of control and defeat by external forces, with a virtual basis in most cases. In return, in conceptualizing fear based on the schema of force, the presence of a range of forces such as pressure, blocking, and redirection in facing external forces express the voluntary reaction of people in overcoming the external forces. Hence, in line with its guiding purposes, the Quran has missioned the prophets, in many cases as a divine command, to ask His audience to confront the non-divine external forces with the force arising from – the fear – of divine majesty.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
This study sheds light on Ben Lovatt's idiosyncratic characterization, cognitive impairment, and peculiar perception of the world through the lens of cognitive and stylistic features such as schema and cognitive theories. It explores Ben's inability to make meaningful sense of the outside world, his failure to activate adequate schemata when necessary, and his foregrounded conceptual metaphor. Exploring Ben's foregrounded linguistic and cognitive patterns reveal that Ben, in many aspects, proves the particular belief in the story that he seems to be on the threshold between humanity and animality or a throwback who belongs to centuries ago. However, despite Ben's human-animal hybridity, the most striking point about the analysis of Ben's mind style is that Ben seems to be beyond the descriptions of other characters and has a particular way of seeing the world, which makes him seem different from others. This difference, eventually, causes his exclusion from the world and his suicide.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The capacity of Qur'anic stories, which are texts full of meanings, always provides the ground for using various methods and approaches of studying and analyzing the text, so that the intertwined and overlapping layers of the text are opened and the process of making meaning becomes clearer for the audience. The present article is based on the model of the "semiotics square", one of the models of Grimas, the founder of the Paris School of Semiotics, which analyzes the mechanism of meaning construction in the text production process. The "semiotics" box teaches us the methodical reading of a text. Using this model, this article intends to analyze the textual structures of the duality of "honor and humiliation" in the Qur'anic story of Yusuf (AS) and explain the process of formation of their meanings in the Qur'anic discourse of this story. The conclusion of this research for the expansion of the semiotic square is that based on this model, it is possible to continuously move poles and categories in a text; This means that in the process of discourse, although in the dual analysis of "humiliation and dignity" we encounter eight forms at the level of content, but contrary to the usual that at the level of expression, the corresponding formulations can be several people or several things .In the story of Yusuf (AS), the corresponding formulation is one person, namely Yusuf the Prophet (AS
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The increasing ubiquity and impact of audiovisual content has turned it into one of the primary objects of study in a number of disciplines in humanities, including Translation Studies. In the recent decade, audiovisual translation (AVT) has been a thriving research focus in many parts of the world. This article aims at mapping AVT in the context of Iran by reviewing the published Persian AVT research worldwide. The article is organized into two parts: the first part provides an overview of the main research articles, delineating the main research trends in AVT research in Iran. The second part presents and discusses research gaps and areas that merit further scholarly attention by academia. The article concludes that research on the topic in Iran is still in a fairly early stage, with the studies focusing mainly on dubbing and subtitling of audiovisual products. Furthermore, areas such as accessibility and inclusion, in particular, voice-over and game localization are grossly under-researched. To fill the gap, certain areas are highlighted and recommended for future research.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
By bringing up the category of paratextuality, Gerard Genet was able to push the boundaries of the analysis and study the image on the book cover to semiotic opinions in order to recognize the semantic layers of the design on the book cover. Mohammad Taimur wrote the first collection of short stories of the Arab society under the title "Ma Ttrah Al-Ayoun". Now the problem is that the semantic connection and coherence of the design on the cover of the book "Ma Trah Al-Ayoun" with evaluation of semiotics to what extent makes the paratextual capability of the design smooth with the content of the book. The current research aims to analyze the layers and symbolic components of the cover design of the book "M Trah Al-Ayoun" as the paratext of the book, in order to understand the semantic and communication layers of the cover design of the book with the internal text and secondary goals of the author and in this regard, used the descriptive-analytical method with the approach of visual semiotics. The results indicate that the paratext of the design on the cover the book with the use of colors, which are the most prominent functional component of the design, the use of the shape of the eye and the broken lines behind the eye and the use of letter "M" and "A" connected to "M" was able to reflect the title of the book and experiences of the author should be parallel to the internal text.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
I aim to explore whether there are similarities and differences between the ethical virtues and vices in Nahj al-Balāghah in terms of cognitive-linguistics and based on the image schemas of Evans and Green's Model piety, perseverance, expenditure are the ethical teachings, described in Nahj al-Balāghah, chosen and analyzed based on image schemas. And the vices described in Nahj al-Balāghah are Secularism, greed, and jealousy. Studying the descriptive-analytical approach, I investigate and compare the virtues and vices discussed in sermons and short sayings of Nahj al-Balāghah in terms of cognitive semantics. Finally, the findings reveal that the general types of image schemas of Evans and Green’s model (schemas of Force, Balance, Unity/ Multiplcity, Existence, Identity, Locomotion, Containment, Space) have almost similar frequencies for both the virtues and vices. Among all, the schemas of force are the most repetitive in virtues and vices. And the balance is on the second level. The research finding is significant because it shows the similarity of the virtues and vices in using the different types of schemas in Nahj al-Balāghah. Their main difference lies in the way of using the subsets of the general concepts.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The present article aims to analyze six contemporary short stories based on Halliday and Matthiesen's systemic functional grammar framework (2014). In functional grammar, the message and textual meaning of clauses will not be revealed to the reader without identifying the topical themes and the discourse factors influencing to highlight them. Thus a perfect interpretation of the message will not be obtained. The study answers the question how the thematic structure in clauses helps highlight and convey the author's messages. The study hypothesis is: the thematic structure conveys the author's message by highlighting the topical themes by means of syntactic tools. the study corpus contains six contemporary short stories, comprising 3736 clauses. The descriptive- analytic method were used to analyze all the 3736 clauses based on thematic structure in textual metafunction. The data analysis showed that in unmarked clauses the topical themes were used in their natural place as subjects, mostly being participants to preserve and maintain the topic. However, when there were good discourse reasons such as new events, topic change and certain meaning, mostly preposed adjuncts were used as topical themes in marked declarative clauses. while the process was used as topical theme in imperatives to show the participants social status. Therefore, the readers by using the thematic structure and identifying the topical themes can understand the author's intended textual meaning and his message in unmarked and marked clauses.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Tension, as one of the concepts proposed by formalist and structuralists, can lead to a structured whole in a literary work. Accordingly, the study of tension among the poetic components is of particular importance. However, it seems that despite the researches that deal with tension and its application in different texts, there is no systematic research which deals with tension and its structural factors. On the other hand, Manouchehr Atashi's poems have special features due to their stable structural framework, and a reading that can study the issue of tension and how it occurs in his poems seems necessary. Accordingly, in this research, we have tried to study tension and its structural factors in Manouchehr Atashi's poems with an analytical-descriptive analytical approach. Therefore, relying on the usual discourse, phenomenological discourse and deconstructive discourse, we deal with the tension and how it appears in Manouchehr Atashi's poems. In this way, first, by examining verses from classical literature, we explain the desired theoretical foundations, and finally, by constructivist reading, we extract tension and its constructive factors from some of Manouchehr Atashi's poems. In this study, it becomes clear that although at first glance, the elements of a literary work are not related to each other, but are in opposition to each other, but tension can be opposed to the elements in the whole unit and lead to It becomes structured as a whole. Thus, tension as a link between opposites in various forms leads to the configuration and structure of poetry.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The human experience is shaped through effective collaboration with forces. Johnson (1987) initially highlighted the significance of force schemas in conceptualizing events. Thus, this research seeks to explore this topic using a library-based approach, focusing on the force schemas presented in Johnson's cognitive semantics model and their application in Quranic verses related to infaq (almsgiving). In this inquiry, I seek to identify which force schemas are most commonly used in these verses and how they contribute to the understanding of the concept of infaq. In the analysis of the research data on the ethical concept of infaq in the Holy Quran, the concept of force image-schemas based on Johnson's model was used. The importance of the topic of infaq and the presence of force image-schemas in it were the reasons for choosing this ethical concept. In this regard, I examined the seven types of power in the context of infaq in the Holy Quran. The results showed that the force image-schema of obligation has the most frequency. In figurative language, the divine revelation's imperative and prohibitive commands, exert a pressure that functions as a force of compultion. After the force schema of compultion, the force schema of blockage has the highest frequency. In the Holy Quran, factors such as greed, hypocrisy, disbelief, and denial are introduced as obstacles to infaq. The force schema of "deviation from the path" does not exist in the interpretation of the verses of infaq.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
This study investigated the construct validity and measurement invariance of the Teacher Emotion Questionnaire to introduce a valid and reliable instrument for assessing English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers’ emotions inside the classroom. Second language (L2) teacher emotions have been largely neglected, despite the fact that Educational Psychology has long recognized and researched the role of teacher emotions in different aspects of teaching and learning. To bridge this gap, the current study had 208 Iranian EFL teachers in private language institutes fill out the Teacher Emotion Questionnaire (TEQ), which assessed six emotions teachers experience in their classroom, i.e., Joy, Pride, Love, Anger, Fatigue/Exhaustion, and Hopelessness. The preliminary analysis of the data showed that six items from the TEQ had a factor loading below the minimum recommended level of 0.3, meaning that they contributed to the total variance in the participants’ score less than expected. The collected data were then submitted to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for the purpose of construct validation and establishment of the factorial structure of the TEQ. The CFA results indicated that the hypothesized six-factor analysis had more favorable goodness-of-fit indices than both a one-factor structure and a two-factor structure (e.g., positive versus negative emotions). Multilevel CFA revealed that the tested six-factor structure of the TEQ was invariant across male and female EFL teachers. The implications for the use of TES in EFL teaching contexts are discussed, and some suggestions are proposed for further validation of the TEQ in language teaching contexts.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
In the current research, based on the descriptive-analytical method, the phonological and morphological changes of Persian loanwords in the process of localization, as well as the influence and impact of the Persian language on the Ottoman Turkish language, have been studied. For this purpose, by referring to all the dictionaries, the dictionary of definitions and allusions, thematic dictionaries and encyclopedias that were written during the period of the Ottoman Empire in Anatolia, the data required for this research, which were about 6000 Persian loanwords, were collected and examined. In this research, using Excel software and with the help of computer, the percentage and frequency of occurrence of common processes in the field of phonology and morphology have been determined. The results of the research show that among phonetic and phonological processes including vowel harmony, phonetic over differentiation, assimilation, metathesis, insertion, omitition, lenition, and weakening; Vowel harmony, which is one of the prominent features of Turkish as an agglutinating language, has the highest frequency. In the morphological field where the processes of composition and derivation were examined, derivation has the most frequency. Despite the different typological characteristics of the Persian and Turkish languages, the relationship between these two languages has been extensive and its consequences have been remarkably one-sided, the consequence of which is the existence of many Persian words in the Ottoman Turkish language.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Tense plays an important and determining role in human verbal communication; therefore, one of the things that should be addressed in language teaching is the discussion of time and ways to recognize it. Considering the role and importance of grammatical tense recognition in language learning and the lack of related research regarding Persian language learning, the purpose of the present research is to investigate the role of available cues in sentences to recognize grammatical tense by Chinese Persian learners of beginner and advanced levels; For this purpose, 49 Persian learners of Chinese language were selected by available sampling method and divided into two groups of Chinese language beginner (26) and advanced (23) based on the level determination test. The instruments used in this research were two tests in two stages; In the first stage, by using the sentence recognition test, the subjects marked the time of the sentences they heard in the answer sheet, and in the second stage, the same test was performed; with the difference that in this test, the sentences did not have time adverbs. The results of this research showed that the subjects of the beginner Chinese language meaningfully used lexical clues when recognizing the time of the sentence, and the subjects of the advanced level simultaneously used two lexical clues and present tense. Regarding the role of gender, the results showed that there is no significant relationship between gender and the ability to understand sentence time. The results of this research can be useful for language learners, teachers, and producers of educational content and also for test designers.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The turning increasingly of educational centers to Virtual and online classes shows necessity of paying attention to the quality of training and deep and meaningful learning using modern educational methods in this type of training.This study aims to investigate the effect of k.w.l strategy, which is one of the educational metacognitive strategies and was introduced based on the constructivism theory for deep and meaningful learning by Ogel, in the onlin class of teaching Arabic grammar,to asses the effectiveness of this strategy in meaningful and deep learning of Arabic grammar.The study used Quasi-experimental method with pre and post test on the control and experimental groups who were trained virtually. statistical population included 34 students in the first semester of the bachelor at Khwarizmi public University in(1400). The sample was selected by the available method and then randomly divided into two groups .Data analysis was done by(spss). In order to determine the presence or absence of influence between variables and to estimate and generalize the results obtained from the sample size to the statistical population,the combined analysis of covariance or repeated measures test(GLMRM)was used to assess and evaluate the research data. According to results, average of pre-test scores of the Arabic grammar variables in the control and experimental groups are 2.40 and 2.04,respectively, and these averages in the post-test of these groups are reported 2.55 and 3.01 respectively,so there is a significant difference betyeen pre-test and we see a significant increase in the grammar average in the experimental groupʼs post-test.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Nowadays, many people and companies enter the business world. So, rgarding the important and prominent role of internet and commercial advertisements in daily life, the relation between the business world and people should not be ignored. The purpose of this research is to examine the persuasive language in terms of type and number of persuasive steps in a number of Persian commercial internet textual advertisements based on the Cheung’s (2008, 2010) persuasive move schema model. This research is of descriptive-analytical kind. Therefore, To this end, a number of 120 Persian commercial internet textual advertisements collected through official Persian websites have been analyzed as research data based on the type and number of the persuasive steps. As to the type of persuasive steps, the results showed the most used type of persuasive step was steps of the persuasive move "offering suggestions" having been used with a frequency of 63.7%. On the other hand, the persuasive steps of "explicit stimulus actions" included the lowest frequency with a frequency of 0.1%. It was also shown the new persuasive step "motto" has been used with a frequency of 17%. Besides, the examination of the number of persuasive steps indicated the most used advertisements were "four-step" advertisements with a frequency of 26.7%. "Ten-step" advertisements were observed with a frequency of 0.9. Finally, the analysis of the type and number of persuasive steps revealed there was a significant difference not only between the type of steps examined but between their number as well.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The current research aims to investigate the universality of the language by examining the perception of Persian learners in recognition of subject position according to the theory of input processing and the principle of the first noun from this theory. The first noun principle indicates that language learners consider the noun or pronoun that comes at the beginning of the sentence as the subject of the sentence.The participants in this research are 70 Persian language learners at elementary (23 participants), intermediate (23 participants) and advanced (24 participants) levels in the Persian language learning center of Al-Zahra University. Using Friedman et al.'s (2004) executive method, this study has examined the principle of the first noun as a predictable path in the education of Persian learners. In this direction, a test has been designed on Google Forms, and Persian learners have participated in two different implementations of this test in a time interval of 5 months. In both of its implementations, this test included 15 sentences that the language learners had to connect to the related pictures after hearing the sentences. In order to characterize the perception of the participants from the position of the subject, 8 sentences in the second sentence were put into the passive form. The results of this study have shown that the change of sentences in the second implementation of the test caused an increase in errors in the response rate of language learners and this was reported higher in elementary language learners than in other groups.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Prepositions are linguistic elements that indicate the physical properties of referent and relatum and the geometry of the manner in which they interact with one another. Numerous studies have shown that prepositions in their abstract usages retain at least one of their spatial geometric features which is testimony to embodiment theory and it also suggests that understanding of abstract usages of prepositions can be better done by first studying the spatial usages of them. In this research we consider and analayse spatial geometry of different usages of Persain preposition /dᴂr/ applying Talmy's approach towards spatial structuring in language. Fourteen distinct usages were extracted from Hamshahri Corpus. The spatial geometry of each usage was analaysed and at least one image schema has been proposed for each usage. As a result of close study of various usages we observed that in all usages either the factor "enclosure" or "locus of control" or both are present in the geometry of the preposition. In one instance we observed a tertiary reference object for locating the Figure in the scene. An investigation of one spatial geometry ascribed to the preposition /dᴂr/ led to suggesting a volumar schema for "way". Also in some usages the use of metonomy can be seen where part of the real Ground or an entity related to it appears as Ground in the sentence.
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
The relationship between words and their concepts is investigated in the "Semantics". "Statistical Semantics" is a sub-branch of "Computational Semantics" and in fact, a sub-branch of NLP. Determining the keywords and main concepts of a text requires time and specialized knowledge about the text, in the traditional ways. “Lexical Chains” is one of the newest branches of statistical semantics that presents the main concepts of the text based on the semantic relationships between words. In this research, we aim to determine the lexical chains of the sermons No. 111 and 221 of Nahj al-Balaghah, based on the theory of "Barzilay" and "Elhadad", using the descriptive-analytical and statistical method. The results indicate that there is 78 lexical chains in the sermon No. 111, and the semantic relationship of antonymy (50%) is more used in it, and the sermon No. 221 has 87 lexical chains, which the semantic relationship of antonymy (38%), and synonymy (34%) are more used in it. In the sermon No. 111, the chain No. 53, which its words indicate leaving this world and choosing the Hereafter, and in the sermon No. 221, chains No. 31, 62, and 8, whose words, respectively, indicate silence after the ability to speak, the importance of using wisdom, fear of the Judgment Day, are the strongest chains. Also, the results show that the topic of the sermon No. 221 is "ethical, religious, scientific, intellectual", but the main concepts of the sermon No. 111 are matched by the "ethical" topic mentioned by "Dashti".
Volume 0, Issue 0 (Articles accepted at the time of publication 2024)
Early maladaptive schemas are mentally dysfunctional patterns that are formed since birth following the unfulfillment of human needs. The purpose of this research is to discover the relationship between the early maladaptive schemas of the fourth domain and their coping styles with direct and indirect requests. In general, 18 schemas are formed as a result of five needs not being thoroughly fulfilled in humans. In this research, only the schemas of the fourth domain, are discussed and investigated. Each person copes with their schemas in three different ways. In this research, two coping styles, surrendering and compensation, are examined. To collect data, the request style questionnaire, designed by the researcher, the Young Parenting Inventory (YSQ), and the compensation questionnaires of Young (2003) were handed out online. The participants, 73 males, and 169 females were born from 1981 to 1996, held bachelor's or master's degrees, and lived with both their parents until the age of 18. First, the request-style questionnaire was examined qualitatively according to the theory of Brown and Levinson (1987), and then the research data were analyzed using inferential statistics. According to the findings, the compensation style of domain four schemas has a direct relationship with the direct request, and the surrender style of domain four schemas has a direct relation with the indirect request. Also, gender does not affect direct or indirect request-making.