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Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology

Volume 16, Number 6 (2014-11)

Relationship between Soil Productivity and Erodibility in Rainfed Wheat Lands in Northwestern Iran
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Recycling of Sago (Metroxylon sagu) Bagasse with Chicken Manure Slurry through Co-composting
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Genetic Evaluation of Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Recombinant Inbred Lines for Spot Blotch (Bipolaris Sorokiniana) Resistance and Yield Components under Natural Conditions for South Asia
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Mapping QTLs associated with salt tolerance related traits in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Evaluation of Genetic Diversity of Sugar Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Crossing Parents Using Agro-morphological Traits and Molecular Markers
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Application of SSR Markers for Purity Testing of Commercial Hybrid Soybean (Glycine max L.)
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Variability of Essential Oil Content and Composition of Different Iranian Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) Accessions in Relation to Some Morphological and Climatic Factors
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Numerical Solution of the Advection-Dispersion Equation: Application to the Agricultural Drainage
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

In vitro Germination and Seedling Development of Taxus chinensis var. mairei by Embryo Culture
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Enhancement of Welsh Onion (Allium fistulosum L.) Seed Vigor by KNO3 Priming
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Changes in Photosynthesis, Yield, and Quality of Baby Lettuce under Salinity Stress
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Environmental Factors Affecting Efficacy of Some Essential Oils and Potassium Sorbate to Control Growth of Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus on Wheat and Maize Grains
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Modification in the Functional Properties of Sodium Caseinate-based Imitation Cheese through Use of Whey Protein and Stabilizer
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Evaluation of Chocolate Milk Beverage Formulated with Modified Chitosan
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

A Comparative Study on Physicochemical and Sensory Characteristics of Minced Fish and Surimi from Black Mouth Croaker (Atrobucca nibe)
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Using Rapeseed Cake to Improve Fatty Acid Composition of Turkey Meat
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Challenges of Women’s Career Advancement in Iranian Agricultural Extension Organization
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Modeling the Process of Drip Irrigation System Adoption by Apple Orchardists in the Barandooz River Basin of Urmia Lake Catchment, Iran
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]

Purification and Characterization of Midgut α-Glucosidase from Larvae of the Rice Green Caterpillar, Naranga aenescens Moore
[Abstract-EN] | [PDF-EN] | [XML]