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Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
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Volume 13, Number 5 (2011-9)
Survival and Phosphate Solubilizing Ability of Bacillus megaterium in Liquid Inoculants under High Temperature and Desiccation Stress
Residual Effect of Thiobencarb and Oxadiargyl on Spinach and Lettuce in Rotation with Rice
Effects of Sewage Sludge Application on Some Physical and Chemical Properties of a Soil Affected by Wind Erosion
Phytic Acid Concentration and Phytic Acid: Zinc Molar Ratio in Wheat Cultivars and Bread Flours, Fars Province, Iran
Assessing Impacts of Land Use Change on Soil Quality Indicators in a Loessial Soil in Golestan Province, Iran
Optimizing Management of Soil Erosion in Orazan Sub-basin, Iran
Nutritive Value and Silage Characteristics of Whole and Partly Stoned Olive Cakes Treated with Molasses
Growth Performance of Crossbred Lambs and Productivity of Kurdi Ewes as Affected by the Sire Breed under Extensive Production System
Photosynthetic Responses in Reed (Phragmites australis (CAV.) TRIN. ex Steud.) Seedlings Induced by Different Salinity-Alkalinity and Nitrogen levels
Resistance to Air Flow across a Thin Green Fig Bed
Resistance of Bulk Chickpea Seeds to Airflow
Drying Kinetics of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in a Convective Hot Air Dryer
Comparison of Coefficient of Variation with Non-uniformity Coefficient in Evaluation of Grain Drills
Influence of Tillage and Crop Rotation Systems on Economy and Weed Density in a Semi-arid Region
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