Volume 14, Issue 2 (2012)                   JAST 2012, 14(2): 365-374 | Back to browse issues page

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Rodríguez Pleguezuelo C R, Duran Zuazo V H, Muriel Fernández J L, Franco Tarifa D. Physico-chemical Quality Parameters of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Fruits Grown in a Mediterranean Subtropical Climate (SE Spain). JAST 2012; 14 (2) :365-374
URL: http://jast.modares.ac.ir/article-23-12099-en.html
1- Research and Training Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries, “Camino de Purchil”. Apdo. 2027, 18080 Granada, Spain.
2- Research and Training Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries, “Las Torres-Tomejil”, Carretera Sevilla-Cazalla km 12,2. 41200, Alcalá del Río, Sevilla, Spain.
3- Finca Experimental “El Zahorí” Ayuntamiento de Almuñécar, Plaza de la Constitución 1, 18690 Almuñécar (Granada), Spain
Abstract:   (7932 Views)
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) production is on the rise in various subtropical zones throughout the world. The cultivation of this fruit tree is feasible along the coast of Granada, where some 1,500 ha are presently grown. In 2006, the EU exported 118 thousand tonnes of mangoes at a value of 131 million euros. This study was conducted to assess the physico-chemical quality characteristics of some mango fruit cultivars growing under a Mediterranean subtropical climate in Spain. A number of twenty-five fruits from eight Florida and one Australian cultivars were collected from different trees at the preclimacteric hard-green stage, and weighed. Osteen fruits bore the greatest weight (69795 g) with their pulp:seed ratio ratios (20:2) significantly higher than those in the other cultivars tested. The lowest pulp:seed ratios were recorded for the cultivars Kensington (6.3) and Sensation (7.6). The fruits with the highest percentages of flesh belonged to cvs. Gleen, Palmer, and Osteen, each averaging 85%. The seed-weight of the fruits of cv. Osteen proved the lowest (4.2%) among all the cultivars, confirming the most desirable relationship with the pulp. The highest acidity (0.22%) went to Valencia Pride while Lippens contained the highest Total Soluble Solids (TSS). The TSS:TA ratios proved the highest for cvs. Kent (382) and Lippens (333), which might be indicative of the effect on their flavour. All the mango cultivars tested in this subtropical marginal area, especially cvs. Osteen and Tommy Atkins, met the standard parameters for high-quality fruits, and can be recommended for their performance and sustainable yield in such type of environments.
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Article Type: Technical Note | Subject: Horticultural Science
Received: 2010/09/29 | Accepted: 2011/04/17 | Published: 2011/11/28

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