Plant Protection Department- College til Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Islamic Republic
of Iran.
Abstract: (6229 Views)
Cabbage leaf miner Scaptomyza flava (Fallen) (l)iptera: Drosophilidae) is a native
and oligophagous leaf miner insect on cruciferous plants (Brassicaceae). It occurs in
many parts of the world and throughout Khuzestan. The relationship between feeding
and ovipositional preferences of insect, and host plant suitability on seven host plant
species (cauliflower Brassica oleracea var. botryds, green cabbage B. oleracea var.
capitata, hedge mustard Sisymbrium officinale, brussels sprout B. oleracea var.
germmifers, turnip Brassica rapa, cucumber Cucumis mtivits, wheat Triticum aestivum
and rice Oryza saliva) was evaluated. Ovipositional preference of 5. flava was
determined by measuring feeding punctures and egg density after ndult female flies
were given a simultaneous choice and non-choice of all host plants for feeding and
oviposition. Studies were performed under greenhouse conditions. The experimental
design was a randomized complete block one with 8 treatments and 5 replications of
each treatment. S. jlava showed distinct hierarchical ordering in its ovipositional
preference, with turnip, green cabbage, and hedge mustard being preferred over all
others. Approximately 1.05 and 5.8 times more eggs were deposited on green cabbage
than on turnip and cauliflower respectively. When the percentage of punctures with
eggs was calculated for each species, cauliflower had by far the highest value at 10%
and 19.7% in choice and non-choice tests respectively. For all other species on which
eggs were laid it was less than half this. In non-choice tests, females laid more eggs on
green cabbage and turnip than other brassicas.
Received: 2010/03/31 | Accepted: 2010/03/31 | Published: 2010/03/31