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XML Influence of Tillage and Crop Rotation Systems on Economy and Weed Density in a Semi-arid Region
S. Özpınar *, A. Ozpinar
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Comparison of Coefficient of Variation with Non-uniformity Coefficient in Evaluation of Grain Drills
M. Jafari, A. Hemmat *, M. Sadeghi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Drying Kinetics of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in a Convective Hot Air Dryer
Y. Tulek *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Resistance of Bulk Chickpea Seeds to Airflow
F. Shahbazi *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Resistance to Air Flow across a Thin Green Fig Bed
Y. Amanlou, A. Zomorodian *
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Photosynthetic Responses in Reed (Phragmites australis (CAV.) TRIN. ex Steud.) Seedlings Induced by Different Salinity-Alkalinity and Nitrogen levels
Ch. Deng, G. Zhang *, X. Pan
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Growth Performance of Crossbred Lambs and Productivity of Kurdi Ewes as Affected by the Sire Breed under Extensive Production System
A. Esmailizadeh *, S. R. Miraei Ashtiani, M. S. Mokhtari, M. Asadi Fozi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Nutritive Value and Silage Characteristics of Whole and Partly Stoned Olive Cakes Treated with Molasses
M. Abarghoei, Y. Rouzbehan *, D. Alipour
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Optimizing Management of Soil Erosion in Orazan Sub-basin, Iran
M. Vafakhah *, M. Mohseni Saravi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Assessing Impacts of Land Use Change on Soil Quality Indicators in a Loessial Soil in Golestan Province, Iran
S. Ayoubi *, F. Khormali, K. L. Sahrawat, A. C. Rodrigues de Lima
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Phytic Acid Concentration and Phytic Acid: Zinc Molar Ratio in Wheat Cultivars and Bread Flours, Fars Province, Iran
M. Tavajjoh, J. Yasrebi *, N. Karimian, V. Olama
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Effects of Sewage Sludge Application on Some Physical and Chemical Properties of a Soil Affected by Wind Erosion
I. Angin *, A. V. Yaghanoglu
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Residual Effect of Thiobencarb and Oxadiargyl on Spinach and Lettuce in Rotation with Rice
M. Mahmoudi, R. Rahnemaie *, S. Soufizadeh, M. J. Malakouti, A. Eshaghi
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Survival and Phosphate Solubilizing Ability of Bacillus megaterium in Liquid Inoculants under High Temperature and Desiccation Stress
S. Velineni *, G. P. Brahmaprakash
Abstract -   Full Text (PDF)
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